
Triple P Discussion Groups


What are Triple P Discussion Groups?

A discussion group brings together a group of parents who are experiencing a common parenting issue. Your trained Triple P provider will provide tips and strategies and encourage parents to share their experiences with the group if they wish. There are four problem topics to choose from:

  • Dealing with Disobedience

  • Developing Good Bedtime Routines

  • Managing Fighting and Aggression

  • Hassle-free Shopping with Children

How long do the sessions take?

There are 4 different groups that take 2 hours each. You may do as many or as few as you like. One, two, three or four – it’s up to you!

How do I register?

Click here to check our schedule. If there are no Discussion Groups currently running in your community, please click here and we’ll tell you when there are.

Have more questions? Contact us.