← back Programs for Parents with TeensHover over the block for a brief program description or click on the block to learn more. Join any of our three Triple P Seminars and you will have a grab bag of Triple P’s best positive parenting strategies. To help manage more challenging issues, Group Teen Triple P provides a full range of strategies. Join 4 or 5 interactive groups and receive individual phone support as well. In a small group with other parents, learn strategies to help you deal with a particular problem that’s making parenting trickier than you’d like. Join any or all of the four Discussion groups offered. A personal and thorough way to get Triple P parenting help to deal with more serious behaviour. Usually ten, 1 hour sessions with you and your Triple P provider. Get all the Triple P strategies in a fun and easy-to-use seven-module online parenting course – with one module on parenting during COVID. Over four, brief sessions you will work one-on- one with your Triple P provider to develop strategies and a plan to deal with your specific parenting problem Support for parents with children with anxiety. More details available soon.